
18 in 2018

De-Cluttering 2018

Friday, 21 August 2009

August Update

I had intended to update on here regularly and set some targets for August however it hasn’t happened for one reason or another that I won’t go into. Instead I will concentrate on where I am with the challenge.

The bathroom is nearly done. The plumber and builder/tiller have done a great job. We decided to paint the walls a light green and have brought the paint. I am aiming to have it decorated by the end of the month. Then we will just need to get new skirting fitted and the flooring done. Luckily, even with the wall falling down we came in under budget on costs. As we have some money left over I want to get the loft hatch moved. At the moment it is in the bathroom but we have no way of getting into the loft. I would like it moved onto the landing with a pull down ladder. The loft really does need more installation in it and I would like to get this done before winter but I don’t know if funds will allow it.

I have been seeing my mum more often, which has been nice. We are making the most of it while the weather is good and the nights are light. Once the nights start to draw in I think I will go to stay with her a bit more on the weekend.

I have continued with wearing makeup and doing my nails etc. My skin is a lot better although I have had an eczema breakout and had to get cream from the doctors (I know my eczema is stress related). I have got into a skin care routine and treated myself to some very nice Clinique foundation and powder.

The homegrown vegetables have been a bit hit and miss. The lettuce and potatoes have been great but the radishes didn’t get going and the courgettes looked very promising but haven’t come to anything. It hasn’t put me off and I am planned more for next year. I layed some old paving stones down to make a bbq area and OH and me had our first proper bbq (not a disposable one) this week. I cooked far too much but it did my OH for the next day. It was a lovely evening we sat out late just chatting, reading and listening to music. What I have found is that on the evenings where we don’t have the TV on I feel a lot more relaxed. I know that most of the programmes I watch such as the soaps are just out of habit. When I met my OH he didn’t have a TV and even now doesn’t watch half as much as me. We are enjoying having the Lovefilm subscription and try to have a film night when they send the dvd. We have both watched films that we wouldn’t normally and have liked both of them.

I sorted all my cd’s out and they are all ready to take to a charity shop. DH still has his tapes to go through. I found a big box full of recipe books and recipes torn from magazines. I went through them and did get rid of a lot. The others I want to put in a folder or book of some sort to keep them organised. Also I want to start using them.

I have been planning our meals each week and am running them freezer and sort cupboards down to try and not spend much at the moment. I really want to work towards cooking more from scratch, which I do most of the time but would like to be more organised and do batch cooking and freeze them. I have made a list of what we have already in the freezer and are using things up in the menu planning. The plan is when we have use most of the stuff in the freezer then I will stock up with meat from the local butchers and get the veggie box delivered each week, cutting back on trips to the supermarket.

I’m going to a music festival!! A friend saw it advertised and the got tickets that day. It is at Bingley Music Festival and the tickets are only £25 for the weekend. I’ve only heard of a few of the bands plus there are lot of local bands playing. I keep telling everyone it is going to be the next Glastonbury lol. We had wanted to camp but all the campsites are fully booked so we have got a BnB. We are going after work on Friday, and one of the girls is driving us there. There are four of us going and I only know one other girl but it should be a good laugh.

I think that is it for now, but hope to update more frequently.